Sunday, April 10, 2005
Enjoying Sakura - Day and Night -

These are what I need to go outside and enjoy cherry blossoms in spring: Antihistamine pills, steroid nasal spray and vasoconstrictor nasal spray. I'm sick of them :(
Here's some more daytime photos of Sakura (cherry blossoms) from another part of Kochi city (near Asahi Royal Hotel). Click to enlarge.

Many people were having lunch under the cherry trees.

I wonder how many cherry trees there are along the small river.

In full bloom....

I was just speechless there...
And night-time ohanami pics. (Will not be enlarged.)

Yes, we enjoy cherry blossoms even at nights. The flowers have another fantastic, dream-like look when lit up by red lanterns at night.

Unfortunately me and my camera are not good at taking photos at night…

So the real beauty of Yozakura (cherry blossoms at night) is not captured in these photos. Too bad!
posted by obachan, 4/10/2005 09:22:00 PM
commented by
Anonymous, 4/12/2005 10:22 PM

Hi Amanda!
I'm so happy that someone finally left a comment here :D
Thanks a lot. I really feel rewarded.
Posted by obachan
I'm so happy that someone finally left a comment here :D
Thanks a lot. I really feel rewarded.
Posted by obachan
commented by 4/13/2005 10:08 PM
Posted by Amanda